Magnetic suspension is a suspension system of vehicles which were formally depending upon spring type, hydraulic and pneumatic suspension systems. It gives information about magnetic suspension system and the magnetic suspension system is turning out to be the new option to these conventional suspension systems. The aim of this project is to study and investigate the response of system, when it is subjected to road surface irregularities with the hope that it would help automobile industry. This project presents design, construction and working of magnetic suspension system. This system uses magnets and spring as passive dampers, which are used to reduce displacement and acceleration of sprung mass in order to improve ride comfort. By using this type of absorber we can absorb the more number of shocks and variations are absorbed with more accuracy. This type of Suspension has no problem of leakage of oil like hydraulic shock absorber. Also this has less maintenance than other types of shock absorber that we can made this type of shock absorber for the efficient work of vehicle and for reducing the maintained cost of vehicle.
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