With increasing demand for automobiles especially 2-wheelers in India, the probability of road accidents might also increase. In most of the accident cases, the accident usually happens due to the carelessness of the rider of the automobile. Some small human error for which there is no system available on the vehicle to identify and rectify the error might result in a fatal incident for the rider. Automatic Stand Retrieval is designed and developed to rectify one of the most ignored but very critical issues of raising the side stand before starting to ride any vehicle. The working principle of two-wheeler i.e. the power is generated in the engine and it transmits power to the pinion and makes it to rotate. The pinion transmits power to the rear wheel pinion and makes the vehicle to move).This is the basic principle followed in all type of two-wheelers, based on this “sprocket-side stand retrieve system” is designed because this system works by getting power from chain drive. This sprocket system consists of side stand, pushing lever, lifting lever, sprocket like components.
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